• Apple Green Wyoming Nephrite jade slab possible Bull Canyon.

    WA5 – Apple Green Wyoming Nephrite jade slab possible Bull Canyon – $500 – SOLD

    WA5 – Apple Green Wyoming Nephrite jade slab possible Bull Canyon SOLD

    7oz. 200g
    4” x 2” x 0.5”

    $500 SOLD

    Apple Green Wyoming Nephrite jade slab possible Bull Canyon. . Priced at $2.50/gram, take a look around the internet and you won’t find a piece as nice as this for sale right now or the recent past.

    To start the Check/MO/Cash purchase of this jade please fill out the form below

  • Polished Apple Green Wyoming Nephrite jade possible Bull Canyon

    WA4 – Polished Apple Green Wyoming Nephrite jade possible Bull Canyon $1110 SOLD

    WA4 – Polished Apple Green Wyoming Nephrite jade possible Bull Canyon SOLD

    15.6oz. 444g
    2.75” x 2.75”” x 1.75”

    $1110 SOLD

    Polished Apple Green Wyoming Nephrite jade possible Bull Canyon.  Beautiful red rind and tightly felted with glassy polish, rare for apple green to polish so well. Classic Apple green with lots of usable material. Priced at $2.50/gram, take a look around the internet and you won’t find a piece as nice as this for sale right now or the recent past.

    To start the Check/MO/Cash purchase of this jade please fill out the form below

  • Sage Bull Canyon Wyoming nephrite jade with dendrites

    BC7 – Sage Bull Canyon Wyoming Nephrite Jade w/dendrites $2OOO

    8lb 3oz.   3.714kg
    7” x 4” x 3”


    Sage Bull Canyon Nephrite w/dendrites.  Tight red rind and tightly felted nephrite ideal for carving. Priced to sell at $250/lb

    To start the Check/MO/Cash purchase of this jade please fill out the form below

  • Multi-color Wyoming Bull Canyon w/blue Turtleback crystal replacement nephrite jade

    BC2 – Multi-color Bull Canyon w/blue Turtleback crystal replacement nephrite jade $7375

    3lb 11.5oz. 1.688kg
    4.75” x 3.75” x 3”


    Rare multi-color Bull Canyon Nephrite w/quartz crystal turtleback patterns. Rare blue color cells and clear definition to the crystal replacement creating the turtleback appearance.  This is a one-of-a-kind piece rarely offered for sale.  It will be the showcase piece of your Wyoming Jade collection and is priced accordingly.

    To start the Check/MO/Cash purchase of this jade please fill out the form below


  • Wyoming Bi-color Bull Canyon Olive/Lt. Sage Nephrite w/quartz crystal pseudomorphs Nephrite Jade

    BC1 – Multi-color Bull Canyon Olive/Lt. Sage Nephrite w/quartz crystal pseudomorphs $2139

    8lb 8.9oz. 3.8826kg
    6.5” x 4” x 3.5”


    Rare bi-color Bull Canyon Olive/Lt. Sage Nephrite w/quartz crystal pseudomorphs.  Tight red rind and tightly felted nephrite ideal for carvingPriced to sell at $250/lb

    To start the Check/MO/Cash purchase of this jade please fill out the form below

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    Jade Estate Sale Purchase Form

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